Welcome back! If you haven't already I suggest you read What It Means To Be A Base - Part 1 before you start reading Part 2.
I think that 'Being a good person' for your partner, while a fairly broad responsibility, comes down to two things:
Treating them with respect&Understanding you're there to support your partner -
Today is the first part of a two part blog where we’re going to take a look at what I think are the unique responsibilities of being a base, and what it means to be a base in a partnership.
I think that’s amazing. I 100% support you in that decision, and I’d like to do whatever I can to help you.
If you’re someone who’s been doing acro or circus for a while and wants to take their first steps on stage, or someone who has been doing it for a while and wants to improve as a performer, then this article is for you. This advice is just as useful for the person who wants to start performing for fun as it is for the person who wants to increase their skills or the person who maybe wants to take a shot at becoming a full time performer.
Don't let your training get slowed down! Avoid these 3 common training mistakes to catapult your acrobatic and handstand practice to the next level!
Ever have a training session where you’re trying new things, and you’re nailing all of them on the first couple tries and you feel like a total badass? And have you ever had a training session where the opposite is true? Where you’re constantly smacking your head against a brick wall of failure and it’s getting more and more frustrating.
Welcome to the Hotel Skillington. Where every room has a ‘Skill Floor’, and a ‘Skill Ceiling’. But no mini-fridge.
Understanding these two concepts; ‘Skill Floors’ and ‘Skill Ceilings’ will help you get a better handle on your training and potentially help make your training a little less of a rollercoaster, and help you manage your expectations about your own performance and ability.