Everything You Need To Jump To H2H + Handstand Conditioning Exercises - Instructional Videos




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We break it down into a series of progressive exercises designed to help you solidify and improve your jump to Hand to Hand, each with their own video. Our videos will guide you throughout the entire learning process. On top of that, we'll also add 47 (!) videos with exercises to help you strengthen your handstand, sorted by body part and difficulty. 

We'll show and explain in great detail; what you should be doing at each step, why you should be doing it, what's likely to go wrong and how to avoid those mistakes! 

Buy now and put a coach in your pocket! 

What You Get


You're purchasing our Jump to Hand to Hand Instructional Video Series. You will receive a download link for a single .zip file containing 7 individual videos, and a folder containing 47 videos. 

These videos include: 

  • Introduction
  • Weight Bearing Exercises 
  • Tempo to Short - L Basing
  • Tempo to Extended - L basing
  • Tempo to Hand to Hand - Standing 
  • Refining your Hand to Hand 
  • Conclusion
  • Plus 47 Different Handstand Exercises